E319 - Sustainable Matters - Jessica Shumlich, How to Optimize your Emissions Management

All of a sudden, all of these different types of pressures are causing companies to really rethink [sustainability] as not having it specifically be a cost center, but having it be an opportunity.
— Jessica Shumlich 13:15

Jessica has spent the past two years examining the pain points of industry, and understanding three core values will help advance innovation: collaboration, education and innovation. Launching Highwood Emissions Management amid a pandemic was a bold move that is paying off in dividends. Jessica delves into topics such as how to effectively allocate capital to achieve the right outcomes, exploring the technological and economic feasibility of meeting federal ESG goals, and contrasting regulatory policies on emissions between the US and Canada. Tune in for an honest, candid conversation on how to balance our need for oil and gas with our commitment to building a sustainable future.
